Aquarium Fish Gallery 3

This blog will give you general information's about some of the most popular aquarium species you can keep in your aqua-hobby. Join the Catfish, Loach and Rainbofish species. Happy fish-keeping !!!


Boeseman's Rainbowfish

Melanotaenia boesemani
This fish makes a striking centrepiece for the larger planted aquarium. This species is easy to keep if provided good water quality. Filtration must be efficient with a gentle flow. Keep them as mixed-sexed shoal. Males are brighter and bigger. They grow up to 9 cm. They eat live and frozen as well as flake.
Water temp. should be around 28'C with pH 6.5-7.

Photo by Dusko Bojic.

Dwarf Chain Loach

Botia sidthimunki.
A delightful fish for a well-planted, mature community tank. This small species is also known as the Pygmy Chain Loach. Very active, it is best kept in shoal of six or more. Unlike larger species of Botia they will not harm other fish but will uproot plants. They need small live foods like daphnia and whiteworm or frozen equivalents in their diet. Regular water changes are essential, as is good filtration. Provide broad-leaved plants as resting places.
They grow up to 5 cm. Water temp. should be around 27'C with pH 6,5.

Photo by Dusko Bojic.

Clown Loach

Botia Macracanthus.
The Clown Loach is not as shy as the other Loaches. Often active in the day. They can be easily kept in a community tank with other fishes. It is very helpful to buy Clown Loaches in pairs, since they are happiest with a companion. In fact, they have been seen to form a small shoal with armored catfish. Clown Loaches are resting on the bottom of the tank on their sides. Although this may alarm owners at first, most come to realize that this is, in fact, a normal behavior.
The tank should have a soft substrate that will allow the fishes to burrow for food. Clown Loaches will eat a wide variety of foods including: brine shrimp, bloodworms, snails, and various dried foods (The dried food should be high in protein). Rocks and roots suitably placed in the tank will provide shelter. Most Clown Loaches prefer homes that are only slightly larger than they are. The water should be soft and changed often.
Once they are established, Clown Loaches live for 15 years and grow slowly, but seldom reach the size recorded for wild specimens, about 30 cm. That is the reason they need a big tank 240-400 L, depending on stocking level.
Water temp. they need is 28'C with pH 6-7.

Photo by Dusko Bojic.

Zebra Loach

Botia striata.
Zebra Loaches are one of the smallest Botias wich makes them easy to keep. Zebra grows up to 10 cm. They have no special requirements on water conditions, they do however prefer a certain aquarium setup to be at their best. A tank size of 180 L with a soft or fine textured substrate as they are continually digging the upper layers with their barbels for food. The tank should be planted, but also provide open areas for swimming. This species likes to shoal during the day. Provide hiding places like stone caves or pots. Botias rest on their sides giving an impression that they are dead. But its far from it, that is very normal behaviour. The lighting in the tank should not be overly bright. Zebras are happiest living in small groups about 5 and have been reported to be semi aggressive, sometimes nipping the fins of other long-fin species. The bigger aquarium size the less aggressiveness is a general rule. Feeding is not difficult as they will accept all prepared foods and like all fish relish the addition of live foods especially small worms like tubifex or blackworms. They are well known to eat snails and can be a welcome addition to any planted tank. If you have snail outbreak and you want your Botia to consume them, do not feed them, otherwise they will ignore them. Zebra is not so prone to Ick like Clown Loach. But if they get it, its bean known that slight temperature rising up to 29-30'C for a day or two will take care of it. Make sure to make those changes slowly.
Water temperature should be kept between 23-27'C with pH between 6,5-7,5.

Photo by Dusko Bojic.


Glass Catfish

Kryptopterus bicirrhis
Also known as the Ghost Catfish, this unusual, transparent-bodied fish is commonly bought as a novelty, but deserves greater appreciation. It is best kept as a shoal. Single specimens tend to hide and even die. Allow plenty of swimming space and maintain water quality to prevent bacterial infection. Provide efficient filtration giving a moderate water flow.
It prefers small live foods, frozen and flake foods. Although generally unaggressive, it may eat small fry if opportunity arises.
At rest these fish hang with tail down at an angle of 30'. This is normal.
They grow up to 10 cm. Water temp. should be 25'C pH 6,5.

Photo by Dusko Bojic

Gold Banded Peckoltia

Peckoltia vittata
The Gold Banded Peckoltia Plecostomus comes from the rivers and tributaries of South America. It is dark brown with yellow stripes covering the entire body and fins. The Gold Banded Peckoltia Plecostomus makes a good addition to any community aquarium.Planted aquariums with hardy, fast-growing plants, high aeration, and water movement provide a healthy environment. Rocks and driftwood help to accent a natural habitat and provide hiding spaces to reduce the stress for the Gold Banded Peckoltia Plecostomus. A recommended minimum tank of 120 L should be provided to house this fish.Feeding the Gold Banded Peckoltia Plecostomus is not difficult since it is not a finicky eater. Feeding off the bottom of the aquarium, it gets most of its nutrition from left over food and algae. If there is no algae or left over food present, supplement with high quality flake food, sinking carnivore pellets, freeze-dried bloodworms, and tubifex.They grow up to 10 cm and need water temp. around 24'C with pH 6.5-7.

Beautiful Photo by Rebecca Devaux

Adolfo's Cory Cat

Corydoras adolfoi
The Adolfoi Cory Cat requires a well planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places, like driftwood, that provides relief from the light. A smooth sand or gravel substrate is needed because of the easily damaged barbels. They enjoy being in numbers, so a small shoal of six or more is ideal for these cats.
Adolfoi comes from South America and is a peaceful bottom dwelling scavenger.
This fish is omnivorous and will require a well balanced diet including dried, flake, frozen, and live foods. Feed a quality flake and pellet food as well as frozen brine shrimp and live worms.
The water should be soft and acidic pH 6,5, temp. around 26'C.
Adolfo grows up to 6 cm and lives up to 5 years. They should be kept with peaceful species like Discus, Tetras, Gouramies, Platies, Angels etc.

Photo by Ana & Richard Tschumpel